10 example of syllable

10 example of syllable

less than a minute read 06-09-2024
10 example of syllable

Syllables are the building blocks of words and play a crucial role in language. They help with the pronunciation and rhythm of speech. In this article, we will explore 10 examples of syllables, breaking down words to better understand their structure.

What is a Syllable?

A syllable is a unit of pronunciation that contains a vowel sound, and it can include consonant sounds either before or after the vowel. Syllables can be categorized as open (ending with a vowel) or closed (ending with a consonant).

Examples of Syllables

Here are 10 examples of syllables from various words:

1. Cat

  • Syllable Breakdown: Cat (1 syllable)
  • Description: A simple one-syllable word.

2. Apple

  • Syllable Breakdown: Ap-ple (2 syllables)
  • Description: This word has two syllables, separated by a consonant.

3. Banana

  • Syllable Breakdown: Ba-na-na (3 syllables)
  • Description: A three-syllable word, often used to teach syllable counting.

4. Computer

  • Syllable Breakdown: Com-pu-ter (3 syllables)
  • Description: Contains three distinct syllables, which flow smoothly.

5. Elephant

  • Syllable Breakdown: El-e-phant (3 syllables)
  • Description: Another three-syllable word with a prominent vowel in each syllable.

6. Unhappiness

  • Syllable Breakdown: Un-hap-pi-ness (4 syllables)
  • Description: A four-syllable word that illustrates prefix and root structure.

7. Extraordinary

  • Syllable Breakdown: Ex-tra-or-di-na-ry (6 syllables)
  • Description: This word has six syllables and showcases complex pronunciation.

8. Opportunity

  • Syllable Breakdown: Op-por-tu-ni-ty (5 syllables)
  • Description: A five-syllable word that often comes up in discussions about chances.

9. Communication

  • Syllable Breakdown: Com-mu-ni-ca-tion (5 syllables)
  • Description: Another five-syllable word, emphasizing the importance of syllables in discourse.

10. Responsibility

  • Syllable Breakdown: Re-spon-si-bi-li-ty (6 syllables)
  • Description: A longer word that highlights the importance of syllable awareness in language.


Understanding syllables is essential for proper pronunciation and communication. The examples provided illustrate a range of syllable counts and structures, showcasing the diversity of language. Whether you're learning a new language or enhancing your understanding of your own, paying attention to syllables can greatly improve your language skills.

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