words that begin with ed

words that begin with ed

less than a minute read 01-09-2024
words that begin with ed

When exploring the English language, it's fascinating to discover the variety of words that start with specific prefixes. One common prefix is "ed," which can indicate past tense, education, and more. Below, we will delve into several words that begin with "ed," their meanings, and usage.

Common Words Beginning with "Ed"

1. Educate

Definition: To provide knowledge or skill through teaching.

Usage: Schools aim to educate students to prepare them for the future.

2. Editor

Definition: A person who is responsible for the content of a publication.

Usage: The editor reviewed the manuscript before it went to print.

3. Education

Definition: The process of receiving or giving systematic instruction, especially at a school or university.

Usage: Education is essential for personal and professional growth.

4. Edible

Definition: Safe to eat; fit for consumption.

Usage: Not all mushrooms are edible, so it’s important to know which ones are safe.

5. Edit

Definition: To prepare written material for publication by correcting, condensing, or modifying it.

Usage: She needs to edit her article before submitting it to the journal.

Less Common Words

6. Edification

Definition: The instruction or improvement of a person morally or intellectually.

Usage: The seminar was designed for the edification of the participants.

7. Edifice

Definition: A large, imposing building.

Usage: The old edifice downtown has been a landmark for over a century.

8. Edict

Definition: An official order or proclamation issued by a person in authority.

Usage: The king issued an edict that changed the laws of the land.

9. Edentate

Definition: A term used in zoology for animals that lack teeth.

Usage: Armadillos are classified as edentate mammals.

10. Edgy

Definition: Nervous, anxious, or tense; also can mean innovative and avant-garde.

Usage: The movie's edgy themes attracted a young audience.


The prefix "ed" leads us to a variety of interesting and useful words. From concepts related to education to specific descriptors, these words enrich our vocabulary and enhance our communication. By familiarizing ourselves with these terms, we can express ourselves more effectively and appreciate the nuances of the English language.

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